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Why are we picketing Cardinal Krol?

Ukrainian Catholics of Greater Philadelphia protesting John Cardinal Krol’s failure to invite His Beatitude Patriarch Joseph I Slipyj to the 41st International Eucharistic Congress.

Patriarch Joseph Slipyj is the only living Confessor of the Faith in the Catholic Church. He suffered 18 years in Soviet Prison camps because he refused to renounce the Catholic faith and his allegiance to the See of Rome. Cardinal Slipyj is the Primate of the entire Ukrainian Catholic Church on its native territory and in the diaspora.

John Cardinal Krol is the host for the 41st International Eucharistic Congress. He is also a ranking member of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, that particular curial body, which in collaboration with the Soviet regime, denied Patriarch Slipyj the right to leave the Vatican in order to attend the 41st Eucharistic Congress.

Patriarch Slipyj’s coerced absence at the Congress is just another stratagem in the Vatican policy of detente with the Soviet Union. Both Moscow and its collaborators in the Vatican are bent on destroying the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and His Eminence John Cardinal Krol appears to favor this policy as attested by his failure to invite Patriarch Slipyj to Philadelphia.

In protesting the Vatican’s and John Cardinal Krol’s policies Ukrainien Catholics are warning other Churches, who have been approached by the Vatican with «ecumenical» proposals, and call on them to witness the continuous destruction of the Ukrainian Catholic Church by the sovietophile Vatican bureaucrats before taking seriously their promises of selfgovernment and equality in union with Rome.

For Philadelphia Chapter of the Society for the Patriarchal System.

Julian Koltun, Ph.D. Chairman
Stephan Holub Secretary


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