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Ukrainian Catholics disturbed by Vatican directives on clergy

«POST GAZETTE», Nov. 8, 1984 – Pittsburgh, Pa.
By a Post-Gazette staff writer


Instructions sent from the Vatican are creating an uproar among Ukrainian Catholics.

A Sept. 17 statement from the Vatican’s head of the Congregation for Eastern Churches says that the Ukrainian Catholic Church’s married clergy ordained since 1963 are to be suspended and that the leader of the church cannot be called “patriarch.”

It also slates that many Ukrainian Catholic Church parishes are infiltrated with Ukrainian “pseudopatriotism” and need to become more religious in their activities.

Three Ukrainian bishops in the United States queried about the letter said they did not receive it nor have they seen a copy. But in a brief telephone interview from Rome yesterday with the Post-Gazette, the secretary of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, Archbishop Myroslaw Marusyn, discussed the issues in the letter without specifically confirming its existence.

There are 11 Ukrainian Catholic churches in southwestern Pennsylvania, some 300,000 members nationally and more than 6 million worldwide.



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