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To Ukrainians

Pope Paul at his regular weekly evening audience. July 16. speaking to Ukrainians who had come to Rome from various countries, told them;

«Your pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and your visit to us today are eloquent proof of your firm attachment to the faith of your fathers, namely to Christ and to this Apostolic See.

«Your presence here shows how much you are a part of the universal Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, which you enrich with the contribution of your own liturgy and traditions.

In a very special manner we pray for you, your relatives and all our Catholic sons and daughters of the Ukrainian rite in their homeland and throughout the world. We are well aware of how heroically they have borne and are bearing their share of the cross of Christ. We remember the loyalty and the constancy of the faithful, of the priests and of the bishops of your glorious Church.»


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