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The establishment of an Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate

Catherine Boback — the third generation Ukrainian student — wrote a research paper entitled «THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC PATRIARCHATE».

Quoting different sources she states, that as early as 1583, during the pontificate of Pope Gregory XIII, the possibility of erection of patriarchate was raised as a way to unite the Ukrainian Church with Rome. In the course of history there were several other attempts. Also Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky discussed the matter of patriarchate in 1908 with Pope Pius X, who recognizing patriarchal authority of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and Halych advised: «make use of your right».

Confessor of faith Patriarch Josyf Slipyj realized those strivings of the most prominent hierarchs of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in spite of all the obstacles from the Moscow oriented Vatican circles and opposition of some misguided bishops of the Ukrainian Church.

Catherine Boback quotes numerous authors while leading the readers through all those years of activities of the faithful, who in the face of Vatican injustice and great danger to the very existence of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, had the courage to stand in Her defense. It was not easy in those beginning years, when some hierarchs, including the late metr. Senyshyn tried to paralyze and suppress their efforts with the help of the subservient clergy and some political circles.

The validity of the outdated territorial principle is questioned by Miss Boback, because this principle was never applied to the Roman Catholic Church, which was freely functioning on the territories of the Eastern Catholics. She also pointed out, that in spite of being forced to live outside his territory, the pope never lost jurisdiction over his faithful. She stated, that the Orthodox Churches take care of their faithful irregardless of the territorial boundaries; will they also be forced to give up their faithful in different countries in case of union with the Apostolic See?

The treatment the Ukrainian Catholic Church gets serves as a warning to those not united with the Apostolic See It appears, that the Roman Curia is the main obstacle to the unity and brotherhood of all Christians, that all may be one, according to the wish of Jesus Christ.

In regard to the Ukrainian Catholic Church «the jurisdiction of the Patriarch must be extended outside of the limits of their territory, because the good of the faithful requires it. Today, due to emigration of the faithful, the personal aspect is more important in questions of jurisdiction than the principle of territory. A synod of Ukrainian bishops under the Patriarch is more capable of knowing and meeting the needs of the own people than the Eastern Congregation, headed by a Latin Rite cardinal… It appears to me that the Vatican is attempting to take away the inherent rights of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, one at a time until She has none» stated Catherine Boback. She quoted Mr. Tymiak, who said: «lt has been learned from private sources, that the Vatican diplomats agreed in Moscow that the Vatican would recognize the non-existence of the Uniate Church in Ukraine and would tolerate its existence in the free world only as long as it took to assimilate Her into the Roman Church. These private sources have disclosed that under the present Vatican policy and that of the Eastern Congregation, the Ukrainian Church will not have Her rights restored.»

Miss Boback also quoted a condensed article «In defense of Catholic Ukraine» (CRUSADE, February 1977): «When the 1969 Synod sent their petition to the Pope, he discussed it with Nikodym, a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate. Nikodym also informed the Pope that the synodal act… was contrary to the ecumenical dialogue and that the Vatican must see that it is not repeated». «At the same time he said that the existence of the Uniate Church should also be ended outside the borders of the Soviet Union. His words were backed by gifts for several Vatican dignitaries.»

Looks, that in metr. Nikodym (a former KGB man) Vatican leaders found a good adviser for annihilation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. What Moscow could not accomplish in Ukraine, where the Church, although severely persecuted, still exists underground, Vatican leaders plan to do with the helping hand of Moscow Patriarchate and some Vatican pointed members of the Ukrainian hierarchy. Step by step the death verdict for the Ukrainian Catholic Church is being implemented in the countries of the free world. That is the main reason for refusal of recognition of the Ukrainian Patriarchate. «The Vatican hopes, that in time, the branches of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in different countries, when not united in the Patriarchate, will fall under the jurisdiction of the Latin Rite bishops and will be absorbed by the Roman Catholic Church.»

The only way left for the Ukrainian Catholics is to continue with the struggle to preserve and strengthen the existing Patriarchate. According to the statement of the prominent Roman Rite theologian Rev. Wilhelm De Vries «Patriarchates grew from below and were not founded by any decree from above. It is very important for Ukrainians to recognize, that custom creates the right; the Ukrainians must create a custom and the custom will create their right».

Unfortunately some of the bishops and the clergy stubbornly support the Moscow-oriented policies of the present-day Vatican leaders. As an example Catherine Boback wrote bout the hostile stand of the priests in Newark, New Jersey, to the existing Ukrainian Patriarchate. She quoted minutes of the annual parish council meeting of the St. Baptist’s Church of February 22, 1977: «The parish received a letter from His Beatitude in which he signed himself Patriarch. This act met with negative reactions, from the priests, and they had the title ‘Patriarch’ omitted from the letter of thanks that appeared in the bulletin. This action on the part of the pastor upset many of the parishioners. A large part of the meeting was also devoted to the condemnation and censure of Father Demetrius Byblow for his failure to mention the Patriarch during the main entrance part of the Liturgy. Several parishioners made it known that until the title ‘Patriarch’ is used during the Divine Liturgy, they will not support the Church, but will continue to send all of their financial contributions to Patriarch Josyf in Rome.»

If Ukrainian priests and bishops would stop supporting Moscow-oriented Vatican leaders and if they would act in unity, like Melkites do, then the recognition of the Patriarchate will become a reality. But unfortunately they think, that their personal salvation depends on blind obedience to those, who insist on dismemberment and destruction of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Catherine Boback ended her research paper with a statement: «In my view, I believe, a Ukrainian Patriarchate would serve as a source of inspiration for the persecuted faithful inside Ukraine, and would spiritually unite them with their fellow brethren in the Church abroad.»


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