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Telegrams to Pope Paul VI

 3 March 1971

His Holiness

Pope Paul VI

Vatican City

In the name of the clergy and the laymen of the Ukrainian Cathcrlic Church in the USA we protest against the method of nomination of the auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia metropoly Rev. John Stock. With due respect and regard for the nominee we feel that the nomination has been made in violation of the rights and privileges of the Synod of the Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The autonomus rights of Eastern Churches have been reaffirmed by the II Vatican Ecumenical Council in the “Decree on Eastern Churches,” which bears your confirmation.

We urge your Holiness to enact these rights for the spiritual welfare of the faithful of the entire Ukrainian Catholic Church, and to relegate, by your authority, the nomination to the Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops, and to the Archbishop Major His Beatitude Joseph Cardinal Slipyj.

St. Andrew Society of the Clergy

of the Ukrainian Catholic Church

Ver Rev. Wolodymyr Andrushkiw

Right Rev. Msg. Clement Preima


Society for the Patriarchal System

in the Ukrainian Catholic Church

Dr. Zenovy Gill

Dr. Roma Navrocky

Dr. Roman Osinchuk

Prof. Myroslaw Labunka

 * * * * * * * * * * * * *

5 May 1971

His Holiness

Pope Paul VI

The Vatican City

The appointment of Mgsr. Basil Losten, as auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, has been received by the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA with profound shock and indignation. Possibilities of violent reactions by clergy and faithful expected.

There is a consensus of opinion that your Holiness is deceived and misinformed about the feelings of the Ukrainian community. The nomination of Rev. Basil Losten without consultation and consent of His Beatitude Joseph Cardinal Slipyj and His Synod of Bishops is considered a hostile act against the Ukrainians in general and against Joseph Cardinal Slipyj in particular. A complete disregard for the martyrdom of the faithful, clergy, and the hierarchy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church has been manifested by the Curia Authorities in the two recent nominations. In the opinion of our Society and the majority of the Ukrainian faithful the nomination of Mgsr. Losten is aimed at the destruction of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. It is also an attempt of moral assasination of His Beatitude Archbishop Major Joseph Slipyj. Even the godless Soviet government did not subject him to such anguish as that perpetrated by some heartless bureaucrats in the City of Vatican. Lack of Christian charity toward His Beatitude is clearly manisfested by this last act of nomination.

We request that such hostile acts on the part of the Congregation for the Eastern Rite Churches be stopped and the present unfortunate situation be rectified by the responsible authorities of the Curia. Our hopes are in your Holiness.


With assurances of deep reverence,

For the Executive Board of the Society for the Promotion

of the Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church,

Dr. Zenon Gill, Chairman

Dr. Romana Navrockyj, Secretary

Dr. Roman Osinchuk, Eva Piddubeheshen, Prof. Myroslav Labunka – Members

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

22 May 1971

His Holiness Pope Paul VI

Your Holiness: The Society for the promotion of the Patriarchal Systems in the Ukranian Catholic Church in the USA implores you to help. Situation in Philadelphia very critical. Students on hunger strike second day. Some taken ill. Bange of disturbances during consecration immenient. Please intercede personally. Please instruet Bishops elects to avoid confrontation. Please ask his eminence Cardinal Slipyj to intercede. His personal presence needed here desperately to avoid dangerous confrontation. We cannot take responsibility for the difficulties which arise in this situation. People are desperate.

For the Executive Board

Dr. Znon Gill, President

Dr. Roman Osinchuk, Member

Miroslav Labumka, Member

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

22 May 1971

Joseph Cardinal Slipyj

Telegram on behalf of the society for patriarchate sent to Pope. His personal intercession and your arrival here requested in the telegram.

Miroslav Labunka

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

26 May 1971

His Holiness Pope Paul VI

Consecretion of John Stock and Basil Losten continuously interrupted by the faithful in Church. Nominees called an Axios-Indigni by the faithful. Three thousand demonstrators protested outside. Validity of consecretion questioned. Please order investigation. Further protests imminent.

Society for the Promotion of the

Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church

Executive Board

Zenon Gill

Osinchuk Roman

Stephen Procyk

Myroslav Labunka

Leonid Rudnytzky

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Providence Association Of Ukrainian Catholics in America

Branch #193 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

3 June 1971

His Holiness, Pope Paul VI Vatican City

Your Holiness,

The recent Associated Press release (Washington Post, May 29, 1971) concerning the Vatican’s refusal to grant a permit to Archbishop-Major Josyf Cardinal Slipyj enabling him to travel to North America, has deeply shocked both clerics and laymen of the Ukrainian Catholic Church throughout the world.

Your seeming disregard of the inalienable right of our Archbishop-Major to offer spiritual guidance to his faithful is indeed difficult to comprehends It becomes unfathomable when one considers the fact that Cardinal Slipyj endured eighteen years of a Siberian concentration camp for professing allegiance to the Holy See. He, after all, was not interned for his person, nor solely for his leadership of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, hut rather for his avowed belief in God and the Universal Church.

In the Washington Post article Vatican spokesman Federico Alessandrini states, “The cardinal is here under particular conditions,” and elaborates that upon the cardinal’s release in 1963, the Vatican agreed with a Soviet request that our prelate be prevented from any political activity. One must indeed be naive to assume that spiritual guidance of faithful Ukrainian Catholics constitutes a political activity. The Ukrainian Catholic Church in Diaspora is on the abysmal ledge of extinction and yet, it seems, the Vatican is more concerned with honoring the request of atheistic Soviets than with the preservation and perpetuation of one of its Eastern Churches. Nonetheless, we the members of the Providence Association are confident that Your Holiness will not permit the demise of our Church.

We all hope and pray that Your Holiness will be inclined to overcome all the apparent obstacles that prevent the leader of our Church from joining his faithful in North America and optimistically await his arrival.

Sincerely Yours in Christ, Executive Board

Eng. Me Karaman, Pres.

Eng. W. Meducha, Treas.

Prof. L. Rudnytsky, Sec.


cc: His Beatitude, Major Archbishop,

Josef Cardinal Slipyj

Vatican City

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

7 June 1971

His Holiness Pope Paul VI

Vatican City


Your Holiness,

The Ukrainian Communities in the USA and Canada are utterly disappointed by the postponement of the planed and announced visit by His Beatitude Josyf Cardinal Slipyj to North America. This delay has been caused, as reported, by the prohibition to leave Vatican, imposed upon His Beatitude by the official of Roman Curia, in the name of Your Holiness. Indignation and resentment against Holy See is spreading among the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church on this continent. The faithful can not understand why and for what reasons does His Beatitude experiences anguish and extreme difficulties whenever He plans to visit His dedicated faithful in the dioceses which belong to the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

They are disappointed, by the continuous silence on the part of the Holy See, concerning their brethern in faith in the Ukraine. They also wonder very often in disbelief whether Your Holiness is aware of the misuse of your name and authority by the officials of the Curia who constantly create the difficulties for the Archbishop Major His Beatitude Josyf Cardinal Slipyj.

On behalf of the masses offaithful and in the name of the Society for Promotion of the Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, we appeal to Your Holiness to intercede in this matter and permit justice and charity prevail when ever the problems of Ukrainian Catholic Church are under consideration.

We assure Your Holiness, contrary to possible “official reports” which Your Holiness might be receiving, that the visit of His Beatitude Josyf Cardinal Slipyj is awaited with great expectations in the USA and Canadac The visit is essential for peace of mind and satisfaction of the spiritual welfare of the masses of the faithful in-this hour of division and strife.

We sincerely implore Your Holiness to treat the Ukrainian questions with justice and impartiality and defend the right of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in diaspora and in its persecuted native land.

Respectfully yours,

Dr. Romana Nawrockyj Secretary

Dr. Zenovij Gill, President

Myroslaw Labunka, Executive Board Member

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter to His Holinness Pope Paul VI

New York, April 21, 1971

TO: His Holiness Pope Paul VI

Bishop of Rome

Patriarch of the West First Among Equals

Your Holiness:

At the manifestation in the city of Washington, D. C., sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee of Students for a Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate, the resolutions enclosed with this letter were adopted by those assembled there. Due to the fact that the scheduled consecration of Monsignor John Stock as a bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church had by that time been re-scheduled for May 25, 1971, the planned four day vigil was not held as it would at that time have served no purpose. Instead a twenty-four hour vigil was maintained at the residence of the Apostolic Delegate. Nonetheless, the hoped-for response to our telegram of April 12, 1971 to your Holiness was not forthcoming and the nomination of Msgr. Stock was not rescinded or allowed to be acted upon by the competent body for these matters, the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Wheter your Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Catholic Churches, Maximilian Cardinal de Purstenberg recognizes the Synod is irrelevant, because we do not consider him to be the competent authority to judge on the Synod’s validity, nay we do not even recognize his right to speak on matters pertaining to our Church. He has kept silent about the continuing persecution of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USSR, has not spoken out in defense of the Church’s rights. Let him now remain just as silent about the validity of the Synod. Any letter appearing with his signature invalidates its credibility and its contents. The Union of Brest of 1596 recognized all the rights of the Ukrainian Church, or as it was then known, the Ruthenian Church, and was ratified by Your illustrious predecessor, Clement VIII and the Synod of the then Kievo-Ruthenian Orthodox Church with Mikhail Rohoza, Metropolitan of Kiev, Halych, and all Rusf at its head. There was no signature to this document of any prefect of a Congregation for Eastern Catholic Churches and we do not today require any such signature to make any decision by our Bishops’ Synod valid. That is not withim his competency to decide. Let him decide on such matters for Churches that signed no such treaty of UNION. The decision on the validity of the Synod rests solely with the Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy with the Major-Archbishop at their head. He alone can convoke a Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

There have been serious questions raised in some circles about the question of territoriality. This is a moot point. As good a case could be made in questioning the authority of the Western Patriarch over the countries of the Americas since the early decrees which the Church Universal adopted concerning the territorial limits of the various patriarchates foresaw no Americas. Also, one should bear in mind, that countries like the United States, Canada, Mexico, etc. have no established Church and constitutionally prohibit any such acts. The citizens of these countries may belong to whatever rite, whatever religion they so choose. We Ukrainian Catholics have chosen that we shall belong to a Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops. No one may abrogate that right. Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ said to Peter “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall, build MY CHURCH. He did not say that it was to be a Latin Church, or one with no room for diversity. We Ukrainians are also that Church of Christ, even more the Ukrainian Church shone and still shines as the symbol of unity and steadfastness in the defense of Christ and His Church.

It is therefore our ardent desire that Your Holiness demonstrate Your often stated concern for the Ukrainian Catholic Church and its faithful by;

1. Recalling the nomination of Msgr. Stock or letting our Synod act upon it;

2. Raise the issue of the continuing persecution of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USSR at the United Nations through the Holy See’s observer, and to disavow any attempts made to lend some semblence of validity to the spurious and illegal “Synod held in Lviw in 1946, which ostensibly “re-united” the Ukrainian Catholic Church with the Russian Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian Catholic Church will not and must not be sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. The blood of sacred martyrdom does not come cheaply and Our Lord would be truly horrified to see it devalued for some small concessions for Roman Catholics in the USSR. How can one talk about this when the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church do not even have the right to their elementary freedoms.

We would request that Your Holiness give us Your reply through the Chancery of the Major-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, His Beatitude Joseph Cardinal Slipyj, as any question pertaining to the Ukrainian Catholic Church should be handled through His Chancery, not the Eastern Churches Congregation or some spokesman of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. We would request that no replies be sent thru the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, in the United States, inasmuch as he has repeatedly refused to meet with representatives of the laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA. He has thereby demonstrated his incompetence to act as an intermediary and to handle such matters.

It has recently come to our knowledge that certain people are contemplating extremely drastic measures in connection with the planned consecration of Msgr. John Stock on May 25, 1971 in Philadelphia. These are actions over which we have no control and which would be difficult to stop even if we did have sufficient control over the situation. The gravity of these actions has been communicated to His Beatitude Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj and we urge the Holy Father, if He is truly concerned about the good, not only of our Ukrainian Catholic Church, but the Church Universal that He give serious consideration to this matter and withdraw the nomination so that we do not all have innocent lives on our consciences. I remain

Yours in Christ,

George E. Karpinsky (Chairman-Ad Hoc Students Committee for a Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate)

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Telegram to Msgr. John Stock

By God’s will you have been placed in a position to help save our thousand year old Mother-Church, or to ruin it. Philadelphians present at our laymen’s meeting February 28, 1971, unanimously urged you to meet our Major Archbishop in Rome and to arrange your consecration so it would be carried out only by him, according to the powers of the Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops

R. Lewycky


   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

17 April 1971

Ukrainian Catholic Association 

847 N. Franklin St.

Philadelphia, Pa. 19123

To Whоm It May Concern:

You did not see fit to sign the communications sent to me, therefore. I have no choice but to address this letter as I have.

I support Ukrainian Catholic Unity and the establishment of a Patriarchate for Ukrainian Catholics, however;

I do not agree with the methods you are employing to establish a Patriarchate. As a good Catholic and Christian I cannot condone violence, vituperative language and divisive actions to achieve this recognition.

I cannot support your objections to either the nomination of the appointment of Msgr. Stock as auxiliary bishop of the Philadelphia Diocese. ArchBishop Senyshyn is the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States and it was within his purview to make the nomination. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church and has the sole authority in making the appointment, he notified the proper authority of the appointment, which is all that is required. You speak of recognizing authority yet you take exception to ecclesiastical action by the highest authority of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States and the highest authority of the Catholic Church. You speak of unity, but your actions precipitate disunity. You speak of what is right and what is wrong based on your point of view you do not consider the rights of others if their opinion does not coincide with yours. You speak of persecution and the freedom to worship, but you initiate a demonstration which interferes with the peaceful participation of Ukrainian Catholics in Palm Sunday religious services this is a form of religious persecution and denial of freedom of worship which you purportedly deplore. You speak of Catholicism but you really mean Ukrainian nationalism owe no allegiance to a non-existent nation – I am an American of Ukrainian descent and proud of it. No one is more cognizant of the rich tradition of my Ukrainian heritage than I, nor more determined to preserve and perpetuate this tradition by making my children aware of it so that they may pass it on to their children, etc.

You speak of “being blinded by universality,” “and not being a good Catholic,” if I fail to support you in this demonstration — the arrogance and insensitivity of this statement reflects your ignorance of, and/or disregard for human rights inherent to every man, woman and child to make their own decisions as to the path they wish to follow. You did not ask for my opinion, you told what my opinion should be. I resent the derogatory inference, conveyed by your propoganda news letter, as to my ability to arrive at a logical conclusion if all the facts were presented to me. You excerpted only those statements which, when quoted out of context, would support your viewpoint.

In conclusion, I sincerely hope Cardinal Slipyj is not supporting you in this intemperate action as it will have an adverse effect upon people who are sincere in seeking unity within the Ukrainian Catholic Community. I also want you to know that I support our Metropolitan, Archbishop Senyshyn as the authorized head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States and his nomination of Msgr. Stock as Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, a man who did so much for our displaced Ukrainian brethren and is now being used as à symbol of discontent and divisivness by you as a token of your appreciation for his deep concern for, and efforts on behalf of our persecuted Ukrainian brethren. This in itself would have revolted me and resulted in my rejecting you as sincere proponents of Ukrainian Catholic unity. You saw, and seized, the opportunity to create turmoil and dissention without regard for the human dignity and sensitivity of a good man. You even disregarded the statement of support for the establishment of a patriarchate by our Metropolitan, who advocates a diplomatic approach to achieve this goal, without creating incidents which subject the Ukrainian people to ridicule and scorn. Your egotism is such that no other opinions or methods but yours are acceptable.

If and when you approach this matter in a sensible and civilized manner, I will be among the first to offer you my wholehearted support.


cc: Cardinal Slipyj

Metropolitan Senyshyn

   * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Stephan Procyk

5219 N. Warnock St.

Phila., Pa. 19141

 28 April 1971

 Mr. Paul P. Shaloka 

4030 Tudor St. Phila., Pa.

Dear Sir:

I received your correspondence dated April 17, 1971. Unless the publication you are refering to was issued by one of our local branches I am not aware of the content you have discussed in your communication. However, because of the importance of the subject matter and of your generously expressed opinion, I am willing to continue our dialogue with the intention to clarify some facts of our mutual agreement or disagreement. I presume that both of us will do this effort intelligently with the search for truth in mind.

We might begin with the main issue of our time – the structure and the leadership of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. I go along with your statement that the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States is Metropolitan A. Senyshyn, and that the head of the Universal Catholic Church is the Pope. Here you failed to mention two meaningful components: the office of Archbishop Major, and the powers (decisions) of the Vatican Council II.

As far as the unity of the Church is concerned, we probably differ in scope. You are talking about the unity in the United States of America, and I consider the overall unity of the Church in all countries, including the Soviet Union. The action for the Bizantyne Patriarchate in America does not concur with the unity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Prom this stand point, we can give proper consideration to the fact of Reverend Stock’s nomination as an auxiliary bishop. I am certain that you did not find in our publications any unfavorable remarks with respect to Rev. J. Stock. We objected to this fact strictly on a legal basis. The rights of our Church, restored and guaranteed by Vatican Council, have been ignored by Eastern Congregation. We, as laymen, fight for these rights with all legal means at our disposal.

But now, may I be permitted to express my own opinion with respect to Rev. Stock’s behavior. He has been asked many times to go to Rome and see Archbishop Major before his consecration, if not on a legal basis, then from pure human considerations. Cardinal Slipyj is the Confessor, Senior Archbishop, direct successor of Metropolitan Sheptyckyj, and a martyr for our Church and people. Would you be able to maintain a full measure of respect to a nominee, who for some reasons did not undertake such a trip? You demand respect and appreciation for one who did much for our persecuted brethren. What happens when one of the most persecuted arrives among us? Then our brethren stop talking about respect !

You might be right in your judgment pertaining to the methods of our action. Demonstration is not the best one. We tried other ones. They were not successful. But I will challenge your statement that somebody was prevented by the demonstration from going to the Church. The whole police force would not go along with that. And – It was not our purpose.

As far as nationalism and derogatory language are concerned, I refer you to “America” daily and “The Way” weekly. Both of them appear with the blessing of Metropolitan Senyshyn. The topic of “Non-existing Nation” needs clarification – who put it out of existence?

Going back to the sincere intent of your letter, I would suggest a meeting where we could exchange our views more efficiently.

Sincerely yours,

S. Procyk


Reply did not come, and meeting did not take place.




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