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Letter to the Editor

Christos Voskrese!

30 May 1973

Dear Friends,

We noticed in a copy of your March 1973 issue of “Za Patriarchat” that it will be changed into a monthly periodical with the English section to continue for our benefit. Could you please let us know what the subscription rate is and if it can be mailed direct to our home? We had always picked up several copies at Delta Imports in Chicago whenever we got up that way. Your issue mentioned did an outstanding job in giving us a good enough coverage of those tremendous events for us to be able to expect even greater events when “Our Patriarch” visited Chicago on the weekend of 20 May 1973. We spend two days in Chicago and were very privileged to have been very very close to him on four different occasions there. We had seen him in Chicago five years ago. Though he walked most erect and stately, his eyes betrayed the fact that he has undergone a persecution in this time which in many ways was perhaps more damaging than those eighteen years imprisonment under the Communists, for this time he was persecuted by those who should have been his friends for indeed as one woman in the crowd said to us, “this man has done no wrong”.

We now know very well why you refer to Our Patriarch as a “Prophetic Figure” indeed he is and he seems to breathe new life into our souls and into the soul of the entire Church. Almost every speech was in the beautiful and most expressive Ukrainian language but we could understand and joined in the clapping and cheering each of the many many times our “Pomisna Ukrainsky Tszerkva” and “Our Pattriarch” was mentioned. Actually he was fully acclaimed by the people and by all the Bishops as our Patriarch so much that we respectfully suggest that you change the name of your wonderful publication from “For the Patriarchate” to “Our patriarch” or “Our Patriarchate”.

In Jesus through Mary,
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Chabot
52650 North Francis Rd.
South Bend, Ind. 46637


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