A compilation of available Information about the Hierarchy of the Kyivan Church from 861 until the present day. Includes:
- Clarification of some ambiguous terms such as “Rite”, “Uniate”, “Orthodox”, “Autocephalous” etc.
- An outline history of the Kyivan Church within the frame of political history.
- Historical evidence about the existence of early eparchies, end lists of the eparchies in various periods.
- Comparative lists of the hierarchy for each eparchy as given in various annals and authors.
- Documented dates concerning the time of administration of each Kyivan Bishop, in union with the Universal Church, in union with Constantinople, in Union with Rome, in union with Moscow, and Autocephalous.
- A complete “Combined List” of the Kyivan Hierarchy in each diocese, based on the above documentation.
- 30 pages of charts indicating all the hierarchy serving the Kyivan Church on any given year from 1054 until 1990.
- 8 maps showing the boundaries of the eparchies of the Kyivan Church In various historical periods.
- An alphabetical index of all eparchies, with pages.
- An alphabetical index of the bishops with their years In each eparchy, with pages.
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Send to: Rev. Dmytro Blazejowskyj Casella Postale 5048 00153 Roma Ostiense, Italy