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Gov. Wallace’s Snub

To the Editor:

The recent snub of Governor Wallace by the Vatican is a regrettable incident.

The flimsy excuse offered prompts us to remind the Vatican protocol office that our country is a union of sovereign states, not a federated republic. This action is certainly offensive to the people of Alabama. lt was nice to see that the Governor accepted it graciously and gracefully.

STRANGE HOW the hand of friendship is proffered to the bloody butchers of the Kremlin! Orthodox bishops (who may well be secret agents) are allowed to officiate at the tomb of St. Peter while heroic Ukrainians are almost refused the same privilege — Ukrainian Catholics who are languishing in Soviet prison camps and even shedding their blood for Christ’s holy Church and their fidelity to the See of Peter.

It seems the captain (Pope Paul) is no longer at the helm of the Barque of Peter since his mutinous crew has taken over. Recent events now prove that the Pope is truly a prisoner of the Vatican, whereas his predecessors were voluntary prisoners of the Vatican.

Let us pray that sanity and true faith will once again triumph over the powers of darkness that now try to engulf our Holy Mother Church.

Archangel Michael pray for us!

Father Thomas Aquinas, O.S.B.
St. Paul Abbey Newton
(The Beacon, Oct. 23, 1975)


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