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Documentary — inspiration for destruction of Ukrainian Catholic Church

Український католицький митрополичий ординаріят у Філядельфії
Злучені Стейти Америки

28 вересня 1976 року

До Духовенства Філадельфійської Архиєпархії

Канонічне право усіх Християнських Церков встановляє, що жодний священик чи інший священослужитель не може бути відзначений почесним титулом, або відзнаками, без рішення або співдії власного Ієрарха. Це с також закон для всіх Східніх Католицьких Церков, об’єднаних із Св. Римським Престолом (Клері Санктітаті, кан. 260,1,4.3). З огляду на те, почесні титули, гідності й відзначення наділені будь-якому священикові в Архиєпархії будь ким, крім Римського Архиєрея, без моєї згоди, поради, прохання чи визнання, слід нехтувати й ігнорувати, і не вільно їх вживати в Архиєпархії.

Апостольський Адміністратор


September 28, 1976

Тo the clergy of the Philadelphia Archeparchy:

Canon Law of all Christian churches establishes chat no priest or other cleric shall be distinguished with a honorific title or insignia without the decision or cooperation of his own hierarch. This is the law also for the Eastern Catholic Churches in union with the Holy See of Rome (cf. Cleri Sanctitati, canon 260 і n. 3). Consequently, honorific titles, dignities and insignia conferred upon any priest in the service of the Archeparchy by anyone, except the Roman Pontiff, without my consent, advice, request, or recognition, are to be disregarded and ignored, and no use can be made of them in the Archeparchy.

Apostolic Administrator
+Basil Losten

* * * *

Very Reverend, Reverend Farher:

Nov. 3, 1976

This is to inform you that the Sacred Oriental Congregation has issued a declaration regarding the establishment of parishes and religious centers in the United States without the approval and knowledge of the local hierarch. The declaration dated October 16, 1976 at the Vatican states that the establishment of parishes and religious centers «lnconsulto et renuente Hierarcha loci are anti-canonical and, as such, null and void, in so far as the erection of parishes and the appointment of their respective pastors are the exclusive competence of the local Hierarch.

The priests and faithful of the parishes and religious centers concerned are held bound to return to the communion and obedience of the Eparch of their own Rite, in order not to incur the canonical sanctions and censures contemplated by the Laws of the Church.»

It is the express wish of the Holy See that the above information be made known to all of our priests and those concerned with the recent issues within our Archeparchy.

I take this opportunity to wish you every grace and remain

Sincerely yours in Christ

Most Rev. Basil H. Losten, D.D.

* * * *

Deanery Meeting

The Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate – some reflections

What do we understand under the «Ukrainian Patriarchate?»

An autonomous, particular (pomisna) church according to the present Eastern Catholic canon law? In this case the Holy See would have to decide to extend the jurisdiction of the Major Archiepiscopate of Lviv to all Ukrainian eparchies end exarchies in the world. However, even in such an event we could not expect to have more rights then the Eastern Catholic patriarchates enjoy in law. The Eastern patriarchs have no jurisdiction over the bishops of their rite in Europe, in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Australia.

The Holy See offers to the Catholic Ukrainians the possibility of establishing a Ukrainian Bishops Conference, but rejects the establishment of a Synod of bishops. What is the difference? SYNOD: can enact laws. CONFERENCE: can enact provisions which become law by being approved by the Holy See. Would this suffice?

What do you think about what could or should be done for the Patriarchal idea?

1. On the level of the Archeparchy, by the bishop, the Chancery, etc.?

2. On the level of the parish?

3. What do you think could be done in the parish that you felt you were prevented from doing up till now?

4. Is it worthwhile to use the title of «patriarch», for instance, an the liturgy where there is no patriarchal authority or power behind it?

What do you think about the fact that some laymen have taken over the leadership of the Patriarchal Movement and have excluded the Bishops and the clergy from rightful leadership and meaningful participation in it? Please focus your remarks on the future, and do not dwell on mistakes of the past!

The chairman of the meetings shall endeavor to have the meeting discuss less what should have been done and was not done and more what can be done by everyone in the future. He shall aim for expressing some consent by voting to approve or disapprove the suggestions discussed above.

* * * *

September 28, 1976

Very Reverend, Reverend Father:

The following priests have been notified that they are forbidden to exercise any priestly function іn the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia:

Reverend Mykola Pawlyshyn
Reverend Leo Lubinsky
Reverend Ivan Krotec
Reverend Marian Butrynsky

By having rejected and spurned my jurisdiction as duly appointed by the Holy See of Rome to be the apostolic administrator and local hierarch, they have committed the delict of schism, which is defined as separation from the bishop who is in communion with the Roman Pontiff.

It is the duty of our clergy to notify me at once if any of these priests should dare to disregard this prohibition. He will be denounced to the Holy See as suspect of heresy.

Most Reverend Basil H. Losten, D.D.
Apostolic Administrator of the Philadelphia Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy


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