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Cyprus case put in Belgrade


The Daily Telegraph, Saturday, October 8, 1977

By DAVID FLOYD In Belgrade

The last day of speeches in open session at the conference on European security was enlivened a little yesterday by an exchange on the Cyprus question.

Describing it as «an open and festering wound» which might have unpredictable repercussions, Mr. Mavromattis, the Cypriot delegate, served notice that he intended to go into the matter in detail in the later stages of the conference and to indict Turkey.

This prompted Mr. Ozdemir Benler, the Turkish delegate, to intervene to say that the Belgrade conference was not the proper place to raise the Cyprus problem, which should be a matter for direct negotiation.

The strongest words yesterday were spoken by Mgr. Silvestrini, the representative of the Vatican, who drew attention to the continuing restrictions on religion. He made a passionate appeal for the Catholic Church of the Eastern rite which has been completely suppressed in the Ukraine and Rumania.

It was noticed that no copies of The Daily Telegraph have been available in the conference bookstall this week and that yesterday all copies of the International Herald Tribune were withdrawn from sale.


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