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Chrastian unity

Restoration of unity among all Christians should not be synonymous with the religious genocide and colonial oppression of the other Churches.

Jan Cardinal Willebrands, president of the Secretariat for promoting Christian Unity currently touring the U. S. represents those Vatican cricles which on request from Moscow try to annihilate Ukrainian Catholic Church in the free world. The blueprint for destruction has been prepared during ecumenical talks between Vatican and Moscow Communist regime, which is responsible for bloody liquidation of Ukrainian Church in Ukraine and continuous cruel religious persecutions.

Now pro-Moscow Vatican dignitaries try to destroy unity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the free world and submit her branches in different countries to the Roman Catholic bishops, as has been done already in Brazil in 1972. To achieve this, Synods of Ukrainian

Church have been invalidated, patriarchate denied, draft and acceptance of the constitution forbidden, subservient new bishops appointed, intimidating letters mailed to the Ukrainian bishops forcing them to disobedience toward the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

How can other churches trust Vatican’s sincerity in promotion of Christian Unity when the Ukrainian Church, which is already in union with the Apostolic See, gets such harsh un-Christian treatment and is doomed for destruction?

Those who do not agree with the present damaging Vatican-Moscow relationship shall speak up in defense of justice and brotherly love and the right to live also for the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

The Trentonian
December 3, 1974


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