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Стати автором

Central Committee for Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate (Great Britain)

His Eminence Cardinal Paul Philippe
Prefect of Congregation for the Eastern Churches
Vatican City


Your Eminence,

On 12 May 1978 the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church were surprised by yet another outburst of misinformation, accusations and prejudice from the pages of such Roman Catholic newspapers as the «Catholic Herald», «The Universe» and «The Tablet».

This sensationalism was directed against some of the Ukrainian Catholic priests who come to Great Britain from Rome in order to provide the faithful of our Church with urgent pastoral services and religious education. The newspapers allege that these priests have already been ‘suspended’ by the Vatican for ‘saying Mass and hearing confessions without permission’, and that they are ‘rebel priests’, who have been warned by the Vatican that they face even more serious consequences, including excommunication, unless they discontinue their priestly duties. It is further alleged that are a ‘source of discontent’ and ’controversy’, and that they were involved in the establishment of an ’illegal’ parish in Halifax.

In publishing this latest outburst, the above named newspapers did not even refrain from referring in a derogative manger to the Head of our Church, His Beatitude Patriarch Josyf Slipyi, to whom they attribute the ’split’ in our Church and several other discreditable actions and aspirations. We are convinced that the offending articles must have been inspired by elements in the Vatican which are hostile to the idea of unity in our Church under its legitimate Head, and to the patriarchal system of internal government.

In lodging this humble protest, we appeal to your Eminence to take into consideration the following facts:

1. The priests mentioned in the above-named Roman Catholic newspapers are priests of the Ukrainian Catholics Church in union with the Roman Catholic Church, and not of a Church under exclusive Roman Catholic jurisdiction. Being priests of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, they are obliged to acknowledge its jurisdiction and to fulfill duties directed to them by the legitimate Head of their Church.

2. A Ukrainian bishop, monk, or priest, who ad­heres to the history and traditions of our Church, and acknowledges its jurisdiction, does not become a ’rebel’ by opposing external elements wishing to subordinate our Church to a jurisdiction which breaches the terms of its union with Rome, and deprives our Church of all legitimate foundations at a time of its struggle for survival.

3. Since Bishop A. E. Hornyak has refused to subordinate himself to the Head of our Church, and has on several occasions publicly declared that he does not recognize any authority between himself and His Holiness the Pope, Ukrainian priests and faithful who wish to remain members of our Church and united with its Head are not obliged to regard Bishop Hornyak as the only valid and exclusive church leader. By his own action, which is being supported by some obscure elements in the Vatican, Bishop Hornyak has relinquished his pastoral duties in our Church, and should be recalled from his position as Apostolic Ejv for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain.

With the above matters at heart, we ask Your Eminence to present the Roman Catholic newspapers in Great Britain with a correct and objective statement concerning recent developments affecting the Ukrainian Catholic Church, so that in the future they will not be in a position of offend our feelings and the position of our Church, as at present.

We would be most grateful if Your Eminence and the Congregation for the Eastern Churches would discontinue the harassment of our priests, whose activities and pastoral services are urgently required by our Church and its faithful.

We would also be most obliged if Your Eminence, instead of providing our Church with unnecessary obstacles, at a time of its greatest need for understanding and support, would support the Head of our Church, His Beatitude Josyf Slipyi, in his strivings in the name of God for the Unity in Christ amongst Churches and people.

For the Central Committee for
Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate;
T. Kudlyk Chairman
I. Dmytriw Secretary-General


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