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Cardinal Villot`s letter and a memorandum, which were delivered by a special messenger to all the Ukrainian bishops, assembled in Rome, 30th October, 1971.

October 29, 1971


The Holy Father has been informed that the Ukrainian bishops have been called to Rome for the 30-31 of the current month to be present at the blessing of the restored church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus and to unite to discuss some actual and urgent problems.

Due to the great benevolence with which the Holy Father follows the activities of the Ukrainian Church, I have been comissioned to recall certain points of primary importance which are explained in the memorandum which I am permitted to send to Your Excellency.

I take this occasion to express to Your Excellency my sincere respect.

To His Excellency
(Marne of the bishop)
(with enclosure)

Most devotedly,
G. Card. Villot


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