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But let`s say and wtrite the truth

Looking over the recent newspaper clippings about the Ukrainian Catholic Church in England one must come to the conclusion, that the coverage does not present the whole picture to the readers.

First of all, Ukrainian Catholic Church in England is not an isolated independent unit; She is an integral part of the largest of the Eastern Catholic Churches — the Pomisna Ukrainian Catholic Church with about 70% of all Eastern Catholics. As a result of Russian communist invasion of Ukraine after World War II Ukrainian Catholics, and consequently branches of their Church, are scattered on American continents as well as in Europe, Australia and even Asia (in concentration camps). One can be sure, that every thinking individual will agree, that in such adverse situation unity of all branches of the Ukrainian Catholic Church under leadership of Patriarch is essential for Her very survival; any dismemberment or fragmentation leads to disaster. Therefore Ukrainians all over the world, and not only in England, defend this unity with such dedication.

Unfortunately Vatican got entangled in political maneuvers with the Russian atheistic communist government and its subservient Moscow patriarchate, which is credited with bloody persecutions of Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine in close cooperation with the NKVD (KGB) forces. Vatican’s ecumenical partners from Moscow demand annihilation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the free world; the present day leaders of the Apostolic See comply with the orders and to speed up the destruction, they divide Her, denying jurisdiction over Ukrainian Catholics to Patriarch Josyf Slipyj. So not for canonical nor pastoral, but for for purely political reasons Pope Paul VI refused to recognize Ukrainian Patriarchate and this precedent gave evil forces the opportunity to proceed with the destructive measures.

Since the end of the Second World War Ukrainian Catholics paid for fidelity to the Apostolic See with the lives of hundreds of thousands of martyrs: faithful, clergy, members of monastic orders and Bishops. The executioners were the same Moscow institutions with which Vatican leaders conduct presently ecumenical talks. In spite of all the unjustice from the Apostolic See Ukrainian Catholics still pray for the Pope, who is commemorated five times during each Holy Liturgy (Mass); Catholics ofthelatin rite commemorate Pope only once.

As one can see Ukrainian Catholics do not have to prove their fidelity to the Apostolic See; they have already done in that respect much more than anybody else. Now is the turn of the leaders of the Apostolic See to prove, that there still exists justice and brotherly love within their vast religious colonial empire and that it is applied also to the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

At the time of Union with the Apostolic See (in 1596) our Church was Pomisna (autonomous). Her rights, specified in 33 paragraphs, were guaranteed by the Pope Clement VIII and the other Popes. The unanswered question is why was She robbed of Her rights? Why is it forbidden for Her to live and to take care of Her faithful? Why is the death verdict being mercilessly enforced? One can be sure, that this religious genocide has nothing in common with Christian virtues and God’s Commandments.

It came to the point, that Vatican leaders keep forbidding Ukrainian Bishops to meet during Synods of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and discuss Her vital matters. This is being done in spite of the Vatican Council II Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches, where it is clearly stated, that «the Churches of the East, as much as those of the West, have a full right and are in duty bound to rule themselves, each in accordance with its own established disciplines»… (Art. *5). This applies of course also to the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Patriarch Josyf Slipyj has been recognized as Archbishop Major by Pope Paul VI on December 23,1963 and with this title was confirmed His world-wide jurisdiction over all Ukrainian Catholics and patriarchal rights according to the Art. %10 of the obove quoted Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches. Afterall Patriarch J. Slipyj had this world-wide jurisdiction when He succeded the former Head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Servant of God Andrei Sheptyckyj (in 1944). Looks likethe leadersof the Apostolic See intend to deprive our Patriarch of universal jurisdiction over His faithful because He refused to reject His fidelity to the Apostolic See and as a result was tortured and suffered barbarous persecutions in the Russian concentration camps for 18 long years.

As one can see, according to Canon Law Patriarch Josyf has the right to nominate and consecrate new bishops, create new eparcies (and not only parishes) and convoke the Synods. He has obligation before God and His faithful to use those rights for the good of the Ukrainian Catholic Church entrusted to Him by the will of God. Performance of all those duties has much greater spiritual value because of the saintliness of the Confessor of Faith Patriarch Josyf Cardinal Slipyj and His immense suffering. To put it in plain words, a priest consecrated by our Patriarch is much more respected by the faithful, than the one consecrated by some insubordinate bishop, who is subservient to the Moscow oriented beaurocrats in Vatican.

The Halifax parish was organized by the faithful, whom rebel bishop Augustine Horniak deprived of the Holy Sacraments and the possibility to pray for Patriarch Josyf in the Churches. Bishop Hornia.k’s destructive deeds against the unity of the Pomisna Ukrainian Catholic Church drove people to despair. No wonder, the faithful could not put up any longer with his tyranny and un-bishoply tactics; after waiting in vain for bishop’s conversion, they turned for help to the highest authority in the Ukrainian Catholic Church-to Patriarch Josyf Slipyj. And of course He could not refuse their pleas, considering it His duty to help them and He send to those faithful priests whom they respect, trust and love. The spiritual wellbeing of those faithful was at stake and that is far more important than the intrigues of some Vatican beaurocrats, who «legally» bypass God’s Commandments and Canon Law just to please their ecumenical partners in Moscow’s atheistic communist empire.

Since bishop Horniak is on their side, because such cooperation will guarantee personal advancement in his ecclesiastical career, he can not expect loyalty and respect of Ukrainian Catholics. He shall resign and go back to Vatican. Only new Bishop, nominated and consecrated by Patriarch Slipyj will bring peace to the Ukrainian Catholic Church in England and great joy in Ukrainian Catholics «in the whole world.


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