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A tender and delicate woman among us: mother Marie Dolzycka, OSBM

Holy Mother Church, in her wisdom, instructs us at each Divine Liturgy with Scripture selections from both the Old and the New Dispensations. I should like to select a passage from each as a commemorative meditation: From Genesis (6:4): “There were giants on the earth in those days.” And from First Peter (2:9): “Ye are a chosen generation… a special people.”

Into this pained and tragedy-ridden twentieth century the Father of Lights has indeed sent down giants for our instruction and inspiration, among them, the beautiful lady whose memory we are commemorating this Spring, Mother Marie.

Our generation is truly “chosen” and we are “a special people” to have lived when she lived, to have heard her words, to have been edified by her acts, and to have had a share in her vision of the Reign of God.

Members of religious orders differ greatly from one another in their relationships with people. Some confine themselves entirely to members of their own community; others have wide-ranging friendships and are ready at all times to have social commerce, to dine and drink and converse with persons of the broadest opinions and backgrounds. For such people “the earth is the Lord’s” (Psalm 23) inhabited by an omnivorous company. Mother Marie was a religious woman of this sort.

She was, again in David’s words, “made to be a contradiction to her neighbors” (Psalm 79). She inherited from her parents personal and intellectual gifts which blossomed into a strong, vigorous, clearly-defined personality. The memories of administrators and officials were deeply imprinted on her mind and spirit; she recalled their attempts — nay, their carefully wrought policies – designed to deprive her and her compatriots of their birthright and legacy:     ultimately, of their own national identity. Her work as an educator was devoted to undoing their mischief and to creating a new climate of dignity and self-confidence, pride and self-awareness among her people. She was a friend — more, an intimate – of the most powerful and eminent men and women. She was a close colleague and confidant of the most humble. She loved God’s world. She cherished her friends. She exulted in ideas, music and good conversation.

Above all, of course, she loved her Lord, her Church, and her Patriarch. Her community of faith was for her the sign of those things that are eternal, set down among the good things and the bad that are ephemeral. Whoever wounded her Church wounded her. Whoever did not defend her Church and its Patriarchal system would, without fail, be remembered in her prayers, but they would have no share in her portion of the vineyard. Such convictions did not endear her to the mighty of the conforming establishment, whom she filled with consternation. They discerned clearly the challenge which her opinions, her integrity and her moral stature represented.

In all of this Mother Marie remained the person whom we knew and loved — “a tender and delicate woman among us” (Deut.28-56). Lord, grant your daughter a place of refreshment, light and peace. May her memory be eternal.


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