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A symposium on the Ukrainian Catholic Church

Philadelphia. On April 19, 1975, La Salle College in Philadelphia, Pa., will host a one-day Symposium on the Ukrainian Catholic Church: 1945-1975. The Symposium, which has been organized under the auspices of the St. Clement Pope Ukrainian Catholic University in Rome, will analyze the relationship of Ukrainian Churches (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant), to the Soviet Government and discuss the role and function of the Ukrainian Catholic Church within the Universal Church. In addition to well-known Ukrainian scholars, the Symposium will also feature several non-Ukrainian church historians and theologians of international reputation. Among these will be such luminaries as Jaroslav Pelikan, Sterling Professor of History and Religious Studies at Yale University; Fr. George Maloney of John XXIII Ecumenical Center, Fordham University, New York; Rev. Roger Hayden from the Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism in Kent, England; Fr. Eugene J. Fitzsimmons from the Camden Diocesan Center in New Jersey, and Archpriest John J. Mowatt, Director of the Byzantine Center, Fatima, Portugal.

Opening address to the conference will be delivered by Brother Daniel Burke, F. S. C., President of La Salle College.

The Ukrainian public of Philadelphia and vicinity is cordially invited to attend this event.


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